Many people keep up on oral hygiene but fail to use the best tools for their teeth and gums. This can result in tooth and gum injuries and even dental problems. It’s best if you use the best oral hygiene products to clean your smile each day. To help you know which products to choose while shopping the oral hygiene... read more »
Do you work toward a strong and healthy smile by brushing twice a day and flossing once a day? If so, you’re on the right track! But did you know there are additional things you can do to have even stronger teeth and gums? Well, it’s true, and our dentist, Dr. Grant Brough, is happy to tell you all about... read more »
Your toothbrush is your strongest ally in the fight against plaque and cavities. Here’s how to take care of it. Buy: When buying a new toothbrush--once every 3-4 months--make sure to get one with the ADA Seal of Acceptance on the packaging. Since its inception in 1931, this program has tested products for safety and effectiveness. This ensures a quality... read more »
Your dental bridge is strong and reliable. In fact, it can give you the smile you’ve always wanted all while replacing your missing teeth and withstanding the pressures associated with chewing, biting, and talking. However, that doesn’t mean it’s invulnerable to dental issues. This is why it’s important to keep your dental bridge in tip-top shape. To help you take... read more »
Dr. Grant Brough custom crafted your new dental crown to restore a tooth that will last for many years to come. While the special materials the crown is made from are not susceptible to tooth decay, the abutment anchoring it in your mouth can still be affected by gum disease. The deep inflammation and bacterial presence in the gum tissue... read more »
You wanted a beautiful smile, and you got one by getting dental veneers. It was a great investment in your smile, but now is the time to make sure it stays beautiful for many years to come. Here are several simple tips you can follow to make sure your veneers keep looking great. While the porcelain veneers are not subject... read more »
As people grow older, they stop taking care of their smile. This is a common occurrence that we do everything we can to stop. As people get older, they need to take better care of their smiles. If they do so, they can keep their natural and beautiful smile for a lifetime. So, to help you better take care of... read more »
As you begin the journey for a new toothbrush, we would like to tell you that both manual and electric toothbrushes are great choices for your smile. Each brush effectively removes the plaque from your teeth, so your preference in brush is all that matters. Now, to help you make your toothbrush choice, we have provided the following facts: Plaque-removing... read more »