Are you looking for tips and tricks to keep your smile healthy and bright? If so, you have come to the right place! Here at Ridge Park Dental in Layton, Utah, our team is happy to give you tips on toothbrush care, which can help keep your smile healthy too. Did you know, your toothbrush can harbor bacteria, which spreads... read more »
Dr. Grant Brough custom crafted your new dental crown to restore a tooth that will last for many years to come. While the special materials the crown is made from are not susceptible to tooth decay, the abutment anchoring it in your mouth can still be affected by gum disease. The deep inflammation and bacterial presence in the gum tissue... read more »
There’s a big connection between your diet and your oral health that few people fully understand. The truth is, the healthier diet you have, the better your oral health will be. That’s not even taking into account the positive effect a healthy diet has on the rest of your body. So let’s take an in-depth look at exactly how your... read more »
When your bridge was installed by Ridge Park Dental it was designed and intended to be very durable. While it should serve you for many years to come there are extreme situations where a blow to the face, or a hard fall can have the potential to damage one or both abutments or weaken the cement securing your bridge in... read more »
Have you ever had to deal with bad breath? As you know, virtually everyone has. But when your breath isn’t as fresh as you would like, what do you do? If you reach for a breath mint or chewing gum to help your breath, you may want to reconsider--especially if you have to cover bad breath regularly. In reality, using... read more »
It’s the delicious time of year again. Thanksgiving is lingering in the air with the aromas of pumpkin pies and roasted turkeys. As a result, people are eating and snacking more than ever this season, which means cavities are on the rise. This year, why not prevent cavities while enjoying your holiday season by using these 5 tips? These five... read more »
Are your teeth sensitive to heat, cold, pressure, or acidic foods? If so, then you may wonder what caused your teeth to become sensitive. Keep reading to learn more about how sensitivity occurs and the possible causes for it. In the center of your tooth is the pulp, a soft tissue which consists of nerves, connective tissues, and blood vessels.... read more »