What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?

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Are your teeth sensitive to heat, cold, pressure, or acidic foods? If so, then you may wonder what caused your teeth to become sensitive. Keep reading to learn more about how sensitivity occurs and the possible causes for it.

In the center of your tooth is the pulp, a soft tissue which consists of nerves, connective tissues, and blood vessels. The pulp is surrounded by dentin, a harder tissue that contains microscopic canals. Over the dentin is the enamel, the strongest tissue in the body that covers and protects the tooth. If the enamel wears away, then the canals in the dentin tissue become exposed, transmitting sensations of pressure and temperature to the nerve underneath. This is tooth sensitivity.

There are many reasons the enamel tissue can wear, some of which include:

  • Tooth decay: the acids produced by oral bacteria can create holes in the tooth enamel.
  • Gum disease: this can cause the gum tissue to pull away and expose the tooth root (which is only covered by cementum, a hard tissue that is not as strong as enamel).
  • Bruxism: this condition is teeth grinding and clenching, which often occurs while you sleep. If done frequently, it can wear away tooth structure.
  • Injury: cracked teeth can expose the inner tissues of the tooth, making them not only more vulnerable to sensitivity, but to other dental problems.

If you suffer from frequent or severe tooth sensitivity, then we encourage you to visit Ridge Park Dental for treatment options.