Your Diet and Your Oral Health

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There’s a big connection between your diet and your oral health that few people fully understand. The truth is, the healthier diet you have, the better your oral health will be. That’s not even taking into account the positive effect a healthy diet has on the rest of your body.

So let’s take an in-depth look at exactly how your diet impacts your oral health.

Sugary foods aren’t good for your teeth

While sugar itself isn’t terrible for your teeth, it’s often found in foods that have acids that attack your enamel – the outermost layer of your teeth that protects them against infection.

Cutting back on – or eliminating – sugary foods from your diet rids your mouth of those acids that have a bad effect on your oral health, and helps you look and feel better as well.

Oral health and systemic health

If your mouth is healthy, it has a direct – and major – impact on the rest of your systemic health. An unhealthy mouth can actually lead to gum disease, which has been linked to cancer and heart disease. However, by eating a balanced and healthy diet, you help improve your oral health and systemic health at the same time.

At the end of the day, it’s worth it to make the sacrifices to eat healthier to not only benefit your oral health but the rest of your body as well. If you need help or have questions, please call us today at 801-773-5285.