Your smile’s appearance can have a significant impact on your self-image and sense of self-esteem. Discolored tooth enamel, chronic dental staining problems, and minor physical imperfections can leave you with an unappealing smile. In the case of a smile with multiple cosmetic and minor physical imperfections, Dr. Grant Brough might suggest cosmetically restoring your smile with dental veneers. This is... read more »
As time goes by, minor cosmetic imperfections can start to appear on the teeth in your smile. This can come in the form of noticeable chips, discolored fillings or chronic staining problems. Many people with a smile so affected will schedule a consultation at Ridge Park Dental to explore their cosmetic dental options. One of the more effective options available... read more »
Despite your best efforts, your tooth may become damaged or discolored. Because of an injury, your tooth may become chipped, cracked, or broken. Perhaps you have decay or a large dental filling that has severely weakened your tooth. In some cases, a tooth may be irregularly shaped or discolored. A dental crown can fix these and other dental issues. You... read more »