Dental Veneers Can Give You a White and Appealing Smile

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As time goes by, minor cosmetic imperfections can start to appear on the teeth in your smile. This can come in the form of noticeable chips, discolored fillings or chronic staining problems. Many people with a smile so affected will schedule a consultation at Ridge Park Dental to explore their cosmetic dental options.

One of the more effective options available to you is to have Dr. Grant Brough fit you for dental veneers. These porcelain shells are gleamingly white and they will not be as porous as natural tooth enamel. This prevents stains from setting in, giving you a white and easy-to-maintain smile.

To accurately fit you for dental veneers, Dr. Grant Brough will need to examine your teeth. It’s important to determine the overall health of each tooth and the depth of the available tooth enamel. If they finds an issue with one or more teeth, they might recommend having it restored with a porcelain dental crown. The special dental-grade porcelain will have the same bright shade and properties of the dental veneers.

Next, your dentist will use a drill to remove small amount of enamel from the face of each tooth. Dr. Grant Brough will then form an impression of each tooth intended for a veneer. This will be sent to a dental lab to serve as a guide while the technicians work to produce your final veneers.

When the dental lab techs have completed the veneers, we will call you back in for a second appointment. Your dentist will use a powerful dental adhesive to cement the final veneers into place.

If you live in Layton, Utah, and you’re interested in restoring your smile with dental veneers, you should call 801-773-5285 to set up a cosmetic dental consultation at Ridge Park Dental.