Unfortunately, there are many things in the world that can threaten to harm your teeth, and chewing gum is one of them. There are many types of gum that can attack your chompers and cause damage, especially if the gum is loaded with sugar. So, it’s important to select a type of gum that is healthy for your teeth, like... read more »
Have you ever had to deal with bad breath? As you know, virtually everyone has. But when your breath isn’t as fresh as you would like, what do you do? If you reach for a breath mint or chewing gum to help your breath, you may want to reconsider--especially if you have to cover bad breath regularly. In reality, using... read more »
What is your dental IQ? We’re happy to report that our patients are very well-informed about matters pertaining to their oral health. In fact, it seems that many people know a lot more about taking care of their teeth than they realize. Put your knowledge to the test, and try our dental quiz below. It’s fun! (The answers can be... read more »