Are you looking for tips and tricks to keep your smile healthy and bright? If so, you have come to the right place! Here at Ridge Park Dental in Layton, Utah, our team is happy to give you tips on toothbrush care, which can help keep your smile healthy too. Did you know, your toothbrush can harbor bacteria, which spreads... read more »
Fluoride is a mineral that is important to dental health, as it strengthens the tooth enamel. The teeth become more resistant to acid attacks from bacteria in the mouth. Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay and can even reverse early tooth decay. So, where can I find fluoride, you may ask? Fluoride is found in many places naturally and has been... read more »
Have you ever had to deal with bad breath? As you know, virtually everyone has. But when your breath isn’t as fresh as you would like, what do you do? If you reach for a breath mint or chewing gum to help your breath, you may want to reconsider--especially if you have to cover bad breath regularly. In reality, using... read more »