Spring Is Here!

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apricot  “I looked out the window and what did I see? Popcorn popping on the apricot tree!” I think Spring is finally here!

One of the most refreshing ideas is the newness of Spring: flowers budding, birds building their nests and fruit trees blossoming.  Saturday mornings in my neighborhood are filled with the sounds of lawn mowers and weed whackers, children’s laughter and bird’s twitter. I fling open my windows to fill my home with the scents and sounds of Spring!

I don’t often, or ever, associate  blooming flowers or planting my garden with greensoral health. However, with my garden freshly tilled, its time to decide what to plant. Why not plant foods that I can grow AND maintain my oral health? Leafy greens such as spinach, lettuce, broccoli, & kale are high in calcium which keep the enamel healthy and strong. Crunchy vegetables like carrots, radishes, cucumbers and celery may actually clean plaque away while chewing.

vegiesEven if you aren’t a Master Gardner, take time to enjoy the fresh Spring air and munch on crunchy carrots and crisp cucumbers. Maybe sip on a spinach or kale green smoothie while relaxing in the sunshine.

Happy Spring!