5 Tips to Fight Bad Breath

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Pouring Mouth Washing into Cap

Have you ever been talking with someone but not been able to concentrate on anything but the odor of their mouth? Bad breath can be a real source of embarrassment and can cause others to avoid interacting with you, at least at close range. If you suffer from bad breath, here are 5 tips you can use to freshen your breath.

Look at your diet

If you are eating meals containing lots of onions, fish, garlic, and cheese, it is likely that your breath may not be the most pleasant to those around you. Try cutting out some of these odorous foods and replacing them with sweet smelling foods such as fruit.

Stay Hydrated

Having a dry mouth can be a cause of bad mouth odor as bacteria in your mouth thrives in dry conditions. Dry mouth can be a result of medication, disease, alcohol consumption or smoking. To fight dry mouth, try drinking extra water and chewing gum to stimulate saliva production.

Visit the Doctor

There are a number of medical conditions that could be at the source of your bad breath. Gingivitis, bronchitis, or tonsillitis can all cause foul odors that your doctor may be able to help fix.

Quit Smoking

Smoking tobacco is not only bad for your health, but will also cause your breath to smell. You may have heard your breath described as smelling like an ashtray, and this stale smoky smell will continue to linger as long as you keep smoking. Tobacco use can also damage the oral tissues and lead to infections as well.


If you don’t floss every day, as much as 40% of your tooth surfaces aren’t being cleaned. Not flossing can also allow food particles such as pieces of meat to become stuck in between your teeth which contributes to bad breath. Not flossing can also lead to gum disease, another potential source of odors.